Sunday, September 10, 2006

Labor day and the weekend following

It was Labor Day weekend last week, and in Seattle that means Bumbershoot!

Bumbershoot is a 3 day festival of music and arts that takes place at Seattle Center. One ticket gets you inside the gate, and from there you wander around randomly and see the sights, sounds and tastes. Kay and I went on Saturday specifically to see Blondie play at the Colliseum. As you can see from the picture, the weather was perfect for being outside, and Blondie drew a pretty big crowd. Bumbershoot is always a must do for me when I am in town for Labor Day, and this year was a fun as it always was.

In the last post, I wrote of grand plans to work on more cabinetry in my house. That didn't quite happen. I walked out of my house and saw all the peeling paint that I have been ignoring and decided it took precedence. I spent most of two days scraping and touching up the worst parts. I would have pictures, but I am not too proud of my work on the project. It was basically a patch up job to make it through the winter and make the house look slightly better than abandoned.

Of course I didn't completely ignore having fun the other days off I had for the long weekend, and I wandered down to a car show that I could almost walk to from my house. I wanted to try out my newest toy, (another) small Canon digital camera.

I would write about how I really needed it because of some sort of reason, but really I just needed something to make me feel better about all the overtime hours I have been spending at work lately. And it is cheaper than buying a toy that would bring me even more joy, a classic Corvette.

Here are some artsy pictures of the front of cars. It was a small gathering of cars, about 30 in total. All of the cars were impressively fixed up and cared for. Their owners obviously put in great effort getting them into perfect condition. I would gladly have driven off in any of them.

This weekend has been good so far. Yesterday was priming a bunch of the bare wood of all the cabinet work I have been doing this summer, and a hike up to Snow Lake with a group of friends from work. Here are the people I went up to the lake with (L to R) Jeannie(?), Paul, Mike, Abby(?), Greg. As you can tell, I am not too good at remembering names.

And here is another picture, I will leave it to the reader to figure out the names again...

It was a great hike, they all had very quick wits so you really had to be on your toes to stay with the conversation. I have been working with Paul and Greg for the last year or two, and Mike is starting next Monday (and Greg is leaving in 19 days).

Weather at Snow Lake is random. It was a typical Northwest fall day of clouds, but it never rained on us. This picture makes it seem kind of spooky up there, but it is really just underexposed because I am still learning my new toy.

Here is a better picture,

and here is a picture I took a few weeks earlier on a bright, clear day.