Tuesday, May 09, 2023

AHG trip to Paris

AHG and her grandmother went to Paris over her Spring Break and had a wonderful time. Here are photos she took during the trip.

Monday, May 08, 2023

Ride to Poo Poo point on a hot day

Highway 20 prior to gate opening

A group of us rode Highway 20 this weekend, starting at the gate at milepost 134, riding up to milepost 157 and then riding back to the car. It was George, Rick, Dan and I. We rode to milepost 157 because that was the milesign that Dan was able to ride to a previous year before the wall of snow stopped them from going further. The road was open beyond 156, but our legs were done and we also needed to get back to Seattle by 7 p.m. There were many other riders making the same pilgrimage and everyone was very supportive. The weather was amazing, I would definitely ride this route again.
Proof that I made it :)