Sunday, June 01, 2008

No Baby Girl Good yet...

Baby Girl Good has not arrived yet, but everything is ready for her arrival. Bags are packed, leave from work arranged, diapers purchased, stroller tires pumped up. The only thing missing is the star of the show. One item that we are eager to try out is the "baby sling". Lance the poodle was willing to be a baby stunt double for a while.

While waiting for her arrival, Rebecca and I have been enjoying the summer in Seattle (which seemed to be late in arriving also). Near our home is Discovery Park, which is a delightfully empty park with bluffs that overlook Puget Sound. It was a great day to take the dogs for a stroll (Lance is off somewhere in the weeds)

The baby clothes look very tiny, in this photo Rebecca is checking the outfit to see if it is the right size.

Summer has arrived with a bang in our backyard. All the flowers have come out at the same time. I took the opportunity to try out the "macro" feature on my camera

And the roof is finally finished. The company we hired, Ascent Roofing in Tukwila, did a wonderful job and did a great job working with our neighbors to ensure they knew their houses would be protected during the project.