Sunday, May 22, 2016

Mariners game

While Rebecca was away one night at a retreat with her mom, AHG, J, their grandpa and I went to watch the Mariners play the Angels. J's grade school organized a large group purchase of a block of seats. We had a great time, and when we left at 9 pm, they were winning.

Girl Scout blankets

J helped out the rest of the Seattle Girl Scout troops making a huge number of blankets for charity last weekend. The blankets were made by laying two layers of fleece together, cutting 3" long by 1" wide slots all the way around, then tying all the fringe pieces together so the two layers of fleece stayed together. The pile of blankets in the second photo was only one of the piles they created that afternoon, there was another pile of equal size.

A small hole becomes big

We made another incremental step towards a new kitchen. I took down the majority of the tiles on our lowered ceiling. The next step will be to take down the framework and relocate the lights temporarily to the new ceiling height.

One hole in the morning...