Wednesday, July 29, 2009

J's new hat and giant tomato plants

Rebecca, J and I went to Rebecca's parents' cabin on Lake Wenatchee last weekend. Their cabin is right on the lake, so we took Ruby (the black Lab) with us also. It was pretty nice weather over there. We took a short hike on Saturday and also played many rounds of the card game Spades. Ruby is feeling much better than she did on Thursday of last week, she really enjoyed chasing the ball thrown into the lake. It was a nice drive over Stevens Pass, with clear blue skies.

J is playing with the camera case in this picture. The next picture shows the interior of the cabin, with J and her grandpa.

J is trying out a new fashion for hats in this picture.

Rebecca's tomato plants are gigantic! They are taller than me now. She planted a few different types: Roma, some type of cherry tomato, a big tomato and a tomacito(?) plant (obviously I was not paying attention when she told me what each one was). She also planted eggplant, pole beans, green peppers and hot peppers. We should be getting a great harvest soon.