Saturday, April 28, 2007

my new rig and garden

I have finally joined the SUV crowd.

Last night I purchased a red (of course) 1999 Nissan Pathfinder SE Limited. I have been boring my friends for the last month with all my car shopping stories and trying to drag them into detailed discussions about the merits of a Nissan vs. a Toyota and SUV vs. truck, used car dealer vs. private owner, etc. I thank them for their for their patience.

I started a few months ago (well maybe 3 years ago is more accurate) looking and shopping and driving. Last night, I had finally decided to make the leap and buy a Lexus LX450 (luxury version of a Toyota Land Cruiser) that I have been driving by on the way to work for the last month. I had test drove it a few weeks ago and spent the afternoon talking with Will, the car salesman at the small lot. Will was in love with this car, he used to have one and told me all the details about it. Of course I went on to the web to confirm everything he said and it was true. They are an incredible vehicle. But, I was having difficulty making the leap to such a large vehicle. Finally, yesterday the stars were in alignment and I was ready.

Unfortunately (or, actually "fortunately" because I am happier with the car I bought instead), when I drove into the lot, there was just a big empty hole where the Lexus, had been there that morning on my drive in to work. I found Will and asked him where it had gone, and he said it had just been sold and driven off the lot. Will is a great conversationalist. I realize that I paid more for the Nissan than someone with better bargining skills would, but buying from someone so artful at talking and working the customer made up for it. Will told great stories about any area of life that the conversation turned to. And to add to the mystery, he was missing the lower part of his right arm which was never explained.

Here are pictures of the new rig taken in my backyard...

And, while not shopping for trucks, I have been playing in the garden. Here is the "before" picture....

And this is the "after" picture. It it kind of hard to tell the difference, but there was four hours work between the two. From the time I bought my home, there has been a square concrete patch in the nook that is in the backyard. It is a cozy and makes for a nice place to hang out in the evening. My goal is to plant a bunch of fun plants, and some vegetables to have lots of green. And then put a table and two chairs, and one of those fire pits with a chimney on them. The first step was to clear away all the stuff I have been storing there like bricks, etc. that I didn't know what to do with. This weekend I am planning on buying some flowers and start looking for the firepit thing.