Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Fest 2009

Rebecca, J and I hosted our annual Pumpkin carving party last night and as usual it was a good time. Here is the photo I took at the end of the evening with all the pumpkins glowing. Everyone that came carved a pumpkin, and some people carve two and sometimes three, and pumpkins are getting bigger, which results in lots and lots of pumpkins.

Everyone was very patient as I took multiple long exposure photos of the group (it is hard to stay still for 15 seconds)("ghosting" effects are appropriate to the holiday, so it works out).

...and then I blinded everyone with the flash a few times. In retrospect, I probably could have turned the lights on for the flash photos)

The tarps and drop cloths, and everyone being careful, did a great job of containing all the goo and keeping our house intact. And no injuries this year, which is always a good thing.

Here is one of our friends' sons dressed up as a Lego monster (their other son also dressed up, but I wasn't quick enough to catch him still in his costume).

J had a great time staying up a little past her bedtime and greeting all the guests, and then was a wonderful sleeper for the rest of the evening. Everyone liked her Colts cheerleader costume. She wore it all day at daycare too. Rebecca took these photos of J in the morning with her iPhone.

Tonight J will be dressed up as a ladybug, I will post pic's later.

Happy Halloween!