Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bye Bye Binky, Hello Bike(y)

J has successfully bid adieu to her binky. A couple weekends ago we decided that we would take the plunge and stop giving it to her for the car ride to and from daycare and when she went to sleep. We were not looking forward to losing our only surefire way to bring peace, but we knew that taking the step sooner rather than later was the right idea. J once again surprised us with her adaptability, and at the end of the weekend she had realized that we were serious and no amount of asking would make us produce a binky for her. Her first night without one was a little hard on her, but by the next night she slept soundly again. Now she never even asks for one.

The attached photo is from J and my bike trip to our PEPS group last weekend. Rebecca found a great deal on a Kettler child seat. Once J tried out the nice view from here, she is no longer interested in riding in our Burley. Maybe we can carry Lance in it instead. She really likes it, as you can tell from the photo. I wish it didn't raise the center of weight of the bike so much. The bike is still steady, but you have to pay more attention when riding at very low speed.