Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Eve and Day

Rebecca, J and I spent Christmas Eve with Rebecca's parents. We had a nice lunch, went to church with them and then came home and opened the gifts from them and the ones my family sent to their home. It was a very nice time and we are lucky to have them living so close. J completely understands the concept of Christmas wrapping paper now and loved ripping off the paper to see what would be revealed. Here are pictures from Christmas Eve...

Here are the pictures from Christmas morning. We woke up and had a nice pancake breakfast, then opened up our family gifts. Josie really enjoyed the bouncing giraffe that Santa brought her and would sit on it while trying to open the rest of her gifts. It is a bright, sunny Christmas Day so we took Lance and Ruby for a long walk (and Josie brought her new, stuffed dog from her Aunt Kathryn).

Here are some additional photos from the holiday break with no particular order....

Here is J playing in the kitchen sink while I blow bubbles at her using a toy received from Mike and Jaime for her birthday. It is hippo that blows bubbles out its mouth.

J likes trying on shoes. Here she is wearing her mother's shoes while walking around on kitchen...

I have some recent movies also (having the nice long, Boeing holiday break is a wonderful thing), I will post them if I figure out how to get them out of Canon's movie format.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ultrasound pics of Baby TBD

Rebecca and I are excited to announce we are expecting a new addition to the Good family in June 2010. J will be two years older than her new sibling. We have gone for one ultrasound and a few tests so far and everything has come back with good news. We don't know if we should be buying pink or blue clothes and are planning on waiting until the birth to find out. Here is a couple pictures of the ultrasound, as you can tell J's younger sibling will be just as cute as her.

Finally an update

I have been bad about adding new posts lately. I will have to make it a Christmas resolution to create more posts.

We went back to Indiana for Thanksgiving. While we were there, Rebecca took this great photo of J and I at my Dad's house.

Here is a family photo taken at my Mom's with my sister Susie and her son also there.

Here is Rebecca and J cooking. J is learning new skills every day and enjoys helping out with daily activities. One of her favorite tasks to run and open the dogs to let the dogs in or out from our backyard.

Rebecca and I both were able to go out to Paine Field at the Boeing Everett facility to watch the first flight of the 787. I was on the program from its infancy, back when it was just a side project to the Sonic Cruiser, code named "Yellowstone" after the national park. Then it was named the "7E7" and then later received its final name, the "787". It was an exciting program that changed the way Boeing makes airplanes and I learned a lot in the process.

This first photo is of a "Dreamlifter", one of the 747's that Boeing had modified in order to carry 787 airplane sections from building sites around the world to the Everett plant to assemble. It is a HUGE plane.

It was cold out there on the field, my friend's hands must have been shaking when they took this photo of me.

Here is the airplane taxiing out to get to the other end of the runway. Boeing let everyone who wanted to out to the side of the runway (a safe distance away) to watch the first flight of the airplane that has had such a large impact on their lives. It was fun to watch the event with all the energy from the people.

Here the airplane is off the ground.

The other plane in the photo is a chase plane they send up to be able to watch parts of the plane that the pilot can't see, such as making sure the landing gear game down all the way. The plane flew more than 3 hours and landed smoothly down at Boeing Field south of downtown Seattle where it will be based for Flight Testing.

We continue to get together monthly with our PEPS group. There are two new babies in the crowd now, born earlier this year.

A recent weekend we decided to downsize J's toy collection into a more manageable size. We brought all her toys into one room and then sorted them into piles of "in the closet for later", "for playing for now", "toys she never really liked" and "toys for the next baby". J liked the activity in the beginning....

...then she started to understand that some toys were going to disappear. Here she is looking concerned. I am happy we did this, it is easier to the clean the house now.

This is the basket we keep in the living room to toss J's toys in. I guess the basket itself is fun to play with also (J's favorite toy right now is a long cardboard tube, about 6 inches in diameter that our vinyl floor came on. She likes dropping toys into one end and watching them slide to the other end. It is a surefire way to cheer her up).