Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More movies

Entry by Mark

We get together with Matt, Sara and their son every month to play cards. We met them in the birthing classes we took last summer. It has been great to compare notes with a couple that is learning like we are. This movie is J and their son playing with some of J's toys that has lots of music and flashing lights. They really liked how the feedback.

J is learning to say Dada, and here is proof. I am not certain she is making the connection between Dada and me, but it is nice to hear.

Also every month we get together with our PEPS group. Here are all the babies playing on the floor (one couple was babysitting their 2 year old nephew, that's why one child is so much bigger than the rest)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

January post with baby and renovation pics

Entry by Mark

Here are a bunch of random pictures showing J's eating style, a Christmas tree, our PEPS group and some work we are doing on the house.

This photo was taken today during our monthly brunch with our PEPS group. J was enjoying playing with the toys of our host. She really enjoyed seeing all the other babies her age. Rebecca and I enjoyed talking with the other parents and comparing notes.

Here are a few of the babies, there are a total of six in the group (and more on the way! Two of the mothers are pregnant with their next children). It has been fun to see the kids every month, it is always surprising how much they have grown. All the babies are starting crawl, or are almost ready to crawl.

Rebecca took this photo one evening while I was playing with our daughter. She is now fascinated with our glasses, and has the hand-eye coordination to grab them. This photo shows why I am cleaning my glasses of little bitty finger smudges all the time now.

Here J is posing for the camera. It is rare to get a photo with her being still lately. That is why we have switched to making videos instead (I have some I need to get around to editting and posting)(time is precious)

Here is the FIFTHTEEN FOOT (yep, 15!) Christmas tree in our friends' log cabin home. They have to have lines attached to the walls to keep it from falling over.

Here is J eating dinner. She needs to work on staying within the lines.

Here is just one of the new ceiling boxes Rebecca and I have been working on for the new wiring project. We are rewiring all the lights and outlets in the upstairs. We will finally be able to get rid of all the extension cords we have to run the alarm clock etc.

Here are the cabinets Rebecca found on craigslist, along with the granite countertop. This is a work in progress. It will be finished after the electrical work is complete (and we get the furnace fixed (it didn't turn on this morning)