Friday, September 03, 2010

More photos from trip to Tucson

Our family traveled to Tucson last week to see Rebecca's sister's new baby, W (see previous post for pictures of the new baby). Here are some more pictures.

Rebecca's father and I drove out to the East Saguaro National Park one afternoon and saw lots of desert landscape. Here are a few pictures.

Here is a link to the website for the park

Rebecca's parents were down there in time for the baby to be born, and because they were there for an extended time, they rented a house nearby. The interior was very nicely decorated (and survived J for a the week with only two broken pieces of dinnerware)(which is to be expected when there was concrete floors throughout the house). Here is a picture of the house, followed by some pictures of some of the nice cacti that made up the impressive landscaping the backyard.

One morning we went for a tram ride to Sabino Canyon. I didn't get any good pictures of the nice views, but here is a picture of my two very tired little girls when we got home.

Here is a link for Sabino Canyon

While there, we took some group photos. Here is one I took with my phone, it isn't very sharp. It shows all the Cooper/Skinner/Good women in the family.

On the day we flew home, we had to leave the rented house before J and A's naptime, so J borrowed her cousin's crib for her nap. She apparently was catching up on her reading before nodding off, like her mother does every night.

We brought items from Seattle to entertain J while we were there. One morning J and I did arts and crafts with glue sticks in the dining room. She really enjoyed it, maybe she will be a famous mixed media artist one day.

One day we took the girls to the Tucson children's museum. J really liked all their very interactive exhibits. She especially liked the exhibit that had the front of a fire engine set up so the kids could climb inside and pretend they were driving and running the siren. This picture shows her dressed up as a fireman.

One night Rebecca's parents babysat for us and Rebecca and I were able to have a date night at Blanco's on the north end of Tucson. The whole week we were in Tucson they had a monsoon roll through in the evening. I took this this photo from the parking lot of the restaurant. When we got back near the rented house, we were met with semi-flooded streets. Rebecca's parents said that the rain had been coming down so hard you couldn't see the house across the street. It was fun to watch all the lightning, we get it rarely in Seattle and you can't see far away like you can in Tucson because in Seattle there always seems to be trees or hills in the way.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our new niece

Rebecca's sister had a baby girl a month ago. We are all down in Tucson,AZ Meeting her. As you can see by the photo, she already has lots of hair. She is almost as cute as our lovely daughters.

J and A were great on the flight down. J enjoyed Going real fast and seeing how high we were getting. I educated all about the flap drive system and made a few innovative suggestions on how they could be improved.

While we have been down here they have been having great thunder and lightning storms which are fun to watch and keeps the temperature bearable. We have been exploring a little bit and went on a tram ride in Sabino canyon. Rebecca and J played in the water for awhile too.

We are looking forward to returning home soon.