Friday, September 23, 2011

It has been a long while since I added any new photos to the blog. It is hard to figure out where to post information with facebook, blogger, etc. and also trying to find time. Here is a collection of random images from the last month (or two). AHG has started to run and chase her older sister, she is so happy to be able to get into every nook and cranny of the house. She continues to surprise us with what she finds. J is also having a great summer. I don't have any pictures, but she has started to learn how to play soccer. She has gone to two classes. The first week was a little rough getting used to all the new people and sights and sounds at the gymnasium, but the second week she had a blast.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Latest garage pics

The exterior French does finally have all their coats of finish and have been installed. They look great and when they are closed it is really quiet in the garage.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Garage update

We still are making progress on the garage. The outside is mostly painted and I have put up the drywall on the two walls that are on the property line (required per code as firewalls).

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Progress on new garage

While we were in Indiana there was a lot of progress on the garage.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Camping near Leavenworth

We all went camping with friends last weekend. We had a gigantic tent that you could stand up in and fit two inflatable mattresses and a pack and play inside. The girls had a wonderful time.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wrapping up garage demolition

The crew came back today and tore down the remainder of the garage. They made quick work of it and did a wonderful job of cleaning up the work area before they left. Our backyard looks quite different without a garage there, it feels HUGE! If we didn't have the contract signed and everything in place to have them start building within a week, it would be neat to enjoy all the open space for awhile. But, we have all the stuff that goes into the garage packed away into various nooks and crannies around the yard, in the neighbor's garage, Rebecca's parents' rental house, and our house. Having a new garage will be even better than having lots of space.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Garage deconstruction

We are having our detached garage rebuilt. Today they started tearing down the existing garage. Tomorrow they will finish the teardown.

Here it is before they began...

I set up my camera to take a photo every 20 minutes.