Thursday, December 22, 2016

Photos from Lake Louise, Canada

We are having a great time in Canada. Yesterday was skiing in sunshine, today was skiing in fresh snow. J and A have been wonderful in their classes, and Rebecca and I have been enjoying relaxing skiing on all the Green runs. They have many miles of trails here, sometimes it felt like we had the whole place to ourselves. The view from the lifts are incredible, even better than everyone said they would be.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

First day skiing!

We are traveling in Canada at Lake Louise near Banff. This was her first day skiing and she had a great time!

Monday, November 07, 2016

J before and after her braces are removed

J had her braces removed this morning. Now she can enjoy anything she wants for Thanksgiving dinner and desserts. (She still needs to wear a retainer)

Monday, October 24, 2016

Big windstorm

Last weekend a "storm of the century " was supposed to come through seattle. It didn't live up to all the hype, but it still was more wind than normal. I took the kids down to the beach to check out the waves.

J's field trip to Mt Rainier

I chaperoned J's class field trip to Mt. Rainier last Wednesday. We left early in the morning and got back to seattle around 7:30 pm. It was great weather and everyone had a great time.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

J's Halloween costume

Rebecca created this Halloween costume for J. AHG's costume is still in work.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Before and after pictures of garage

I added a awning in front of the French doors of our garage/office in the backyard. The doors were showing a lot of damage from the southern rains and I wanted to get this done before winter arrived.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Gus the dog

Girls week at the cabin

The girls one week of the summer break with their Seattle grandparents at their cabin on the lake.  The first photos are AHG posing with the sailboat they created to take advantage of a windy day.  The last photo is J out in the kayak on a calmer day. 

The girls practicing soccer

J and AHG are playing in the local youth soccer league. Here they are practicing in our backyard. 

Birthday camping trip to Orcas Island

For my birthday we went camping at Moran State Park on Orcas Island. Even the dogs joined the fun.  The tractors photos are from our neighbors' home on the island where all the tractors that he has restored are stored.  Gus really loved their place.  There was lots of room to run, he was ready to move in. 

J and AHG on their first day of school

Monday, September 05, 2016

Lopez island trip

We spent Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend upon Lopez island with our neighbors at their family summer home. Our neighbor coached Josie with some to kicking tips, we area lot of good food and we went on a couple bike rides. I rode once by myself and went to Spenser Spit State Park. Here are some pictures I took at various places on the island.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Queen Coco

We have a new puppy, Her name is Coco, but I call her Queen Coco because she now rules our house.

Saturday, July 09, 2016

More photos from Indy trip

J recently received a new camera for her birthday.   Here are some photos taken with it.  The first photo is her modeling the birthday hat her grandparents gave her.  The rest of the photos are from our recent trip home to Indiana.

Photos from trip home to Indy