Monday, November 27, 2017

Good family china and silverware

This year we brought back the Good family china and silverware from Indiana and used it for Thanksgiving dinner with our neighbors.

Fridge finally moved to niche

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

J’s costume and big haul

J was a Siren (like a mermaid, they sang to sailors and caused shipwrecks).

The kids had a huge haul of candy.

A’s costume

I still need to get a photo of J's costume

Abstract art by A

She used pastels for this abstract art piece. It is titled "Dog Party"

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Fwd: special invention awards

The dinner for the special invention awards was last Thursday.  It was held at the Museum of Flight.  There were a total of 11 patents recognized, and 49 people that were part of the teams were at the dinner.  It was a very nice dinner, and a fun event.  The attached photos show Rebecca and I, and some of the people I worked with on the concept that won, and their wives.  The pdf document is the write up that was in the daily email that Boeing sends out with company and industry news (the document has a blank first page, I didn't know how to delete it).

At the dinner Rebecca and I sat next to John Hamilton, who is the head of all Boeing Commercial Engineering.  He was a very nice guy, it was interesting to talk to him about his career.

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Further work on kitchen

This Friday I took down another couple of sections of drywall.  It is always a challenge to keep the dust contained.  This time I was good about keeping it out of the living room and office, but the laundry room got some dust.

It took two trips to the city dump to get rid of the debris.  I should have taken a photo of the large number of garbage bags filled with plaster.  The following photos were taken about every hour.

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

J and A’s new school

Here is the outside of J and A's new school. Next time I will get photos on the inside. It is a brand new building and is very nice inside with lots of sunlight and wood surfaces. It seemed like it would be a fun place to spend your day.

Seahawks vs Colts

Rebecca and I went to the Seahawks vs Colts. The first half was a close game, but in the 2nd half the Seahawks pulled away.