Saturday, June 10, 2006

a day at the (bike) races

This blog is less of "what house project" Mark is working on, and more "what activity has Mark found to avoid working on the house".

The Ballard Twilight Criterium was held today, and I went down and watched the Men's Category 1 race (Cat 1 is the highest ranking). This photo shows the starting line up. I think there were about 50 riders in this race. It is blurry because I was walking across the race course and they were about to start.

A criterium is a short course bike race, and they make a lap about every 1 and 1/2 minutes. They race for a time period (this one was for 70 minutes), and after the time period is over, they announce "10 laps left" and everyone races to finish first. To keep it interesting during the 70 minutes, every so often they announce a "premium lap" and rig a cow bell when the pack crosses the start line. The person that is leading the pack when they come back around wins the "premium for that lap". Typcially it is a bike part, or cash, etc.

this is the starting line

another shot of the starting line

the race is in the section of Ballard with shops. The course is two city blocks, with four left hand turns. In this picture a group is headed towards the first left turn. There were several wrecks during the race when the bikes ran wide and hit the curbs. As a spectator, you had to pay attention.

I actually got one (somewhat) in focus!

The pack was so fast and so tight, whenever it went by, they would create a breeze and your hair would be blown in your face.

this is a view of the first corner, from a different angle. The racers are packed together pretty tight.

This is a picture of the third corner. You can see that the pavement had a mixed surface of concrete and asphalt. I would have been scared to take the turns they were.

I like to think that I planned this shot, but really it just turned out that way. I like the sense of motion it gives.

Another artsy blur shot.

The race starts at 7 p.m., and the sun is couple hours from setting.

I had a great time just wandering around seeing the race and watching the spectators. I like that I can walk from my house and see fun events like this.

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