Saturday, June 21, 2008

"Yes, finally" (but no pictures yet, kind of like Suri)

Josephine Lily (a.k.a. "Baby Girl Good") arrived June 20th (Summer Solstice!), 8:14 p.m. at Swedish Ballard. She weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 20 and 1/2 inches long. She scored well on all the early testing they do on newborns. Mom and baby are doing wonderful, resting in the hospital while I do a quick run home to gather mail and check on things. We will be in the hospital for a few more days recovering. We will be accepting guests in about two weeks in order to give Mom and baby time to catch their breath and the house to set up some habits.

Sorry, no pictures yet. Kind of like Suri Cruise, the world will just have to imagine what the combination of Rebecca and I looks like. I will give a hint, she has a "Good" chin with a baby version of my cleft chin (she looks MUCH cuter than I though). She has been a very mellow, happy baby. She has a little bit of hair and it looks reddish blonde, like Rebecca, but time will tell.

The staff at Swedish Ballard has been incredible, we have had so many wonderful nurses that it is impossible to name them all. They obviously love babies and have been so kind to our family as we go through this wonderful event. And Rebecca's doctor, Dr. Matin, has been so upbeat and knowledgeable that it has really helped us not worry at all knowing that we are in good hands.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Congrats! It's fantastic to hear everyone's well. I mean Good.