Friday, July 11, 2008

Baby's first road trip

Our family went over the Cascades to stay a couple nights at Rebecca's parent's cabin on Lake Wenatchee. We don't have our new "micro" van (we are in the process of buying a Mazda 5), so we took the Pathfinder. Josie travels well, but her parents still need to learn a few traveling tips. One thing we forgot to check was if the big box of baby wipes actually had many still left in it. We were lucky, Rebecca's parents came the second night and were nice enough to pick up the things we forgot before they made the trip over from Seattle.

But, before the pictures from the trip, here is a couple of other pictures from a few days earlier. Gary and Monica stopped by to visit and meet the baby. Here is Monica holding her...

...while I play Dance Dance Revolution on the Xbox. Rebecca's sister bought her the game for her birthday. The photo would make a lot more sense if you could see the video up on the television screen with the dancer I am supposed to be copying. It is actually fun, and I can brag for the moment that I am better at it than Rebecca. I think she is trying to get me think that I am a dancing machine so that I will go out dancing with her some night.

And here is a picture of a Mazda 5. Ours will be white. I call it a Micro-van because I don't want to admit I will soon be driving a mini-van and because it is smaller than a typical mini-van. We like that it is smaller because it means it will get great gas mileage (28 mpg on the highway) and it will be easier to maneuver in downtown Seattle when we are searching for small parking spaces.

I don't have a picture of the cabin. It is a great cabin, and now has a full bath (previously it only had an outhouse). It is right on the lake and Ruby (the black Lab) loves staying there.

We did two hikes, one with the baby (to Chilukum Creek) on Wednesday and one with the dogs (to Hidden Lake) on Thursday. On the hike with the baby, we used the Ergo baby carrier that Rebecca's sister gave us. It worked like a charm, and might work even better once we view the DVD again to refresh our memory of how to actually put the baby in it. Baby Girl Good gets kind of lost in the bottom of the carrier, but you can see her peeking out in one of the pictures and her legs popping out in another.

The hike with the dogs starts very close to the cabin. The Hidden Lake trail ends appropriately at Hidden Lake. Ruby really enjoyed going for a swim.

And here is the obligatory flower shot...

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