Saturday, August 23, 2008

snoqualmie falls

Kurt came to visit from Austin, TX last week. Prior to his arrival a six night visit seemed liked a long time, but the time went too fast and I was sad to see him leave. During the visit we went to Snoqualamie Falls, as evidenced by the photos below. He also went shopping with me at Redmond Town Center while Mark completed a Microsoft User Research study. For Mark's participation in the study he is going to receive a Zune along with MS software.

Aside from shopping and hiking, Mark and Kurt re-wired part of the house. I am thrilled with the work they accomplished which included new plugs for us in the living room and office.

Our daughter has been having fun on her activity mat. It was a hand-me-down given to us by one of my co-workers, Frank. Right now she only accidentally touches the toys while flaying her arms, however in time she should be able to intentionally reach the toys. At her eight week check-up, she was in the 90-95 percentile on length and 75th percentile on weight and head circumference. During her shots she turned a bright red and her tongue curled up as she yelled in her daddy's ear.

I think this daddy/daughter picture is super cute. It was taken around 6pm Thursday and you can tell from her expression she is happy daddy is home from work. Everyday they have lots of fun playing together. This week Mark even went to Baby Hell, aka Babies R Us, on his own and came home with an official NFL Seahawks jersey for our baby. I'm waiting until the first game against the Raiders on Aug. 29th to take a picture of her in the jersey.

1 comment:

Kurt Richter said...

In the first (topmost) photo, I notice only one of us has a hiking stick.