Monday, September 01, 2008

Oh Happy Day by Rebecca

Here is a photo of our little pumpkin early in the morning. As you can tell she greets each day with a smile. Unfortunately for mama, she wakes up early like her dad. I can't wait until she stops breastfeeding so Mark can take over feeding duty and let mama sleep. Last night she went to bed at 8:00pm, but woke FOUR times to feed during the night (1am, 2:37am, 4:30am and 6:17am). I'm starting to wonder if my milk production is decreasing and hence her constant desire for food. One day I am sure I will look back on this time and laugh stating, "Oh remember when she was so accommodating and drank her milk without complaint?"

This is her typical 5:00pm look. I call it the "Daddy why aren't you home from work yet look". She is all dressed up in this photo to visit our friends Jean, Randy and their son. We met Jean and Randy during our birth preparation classes at Swedish Hospital. There son was born two weeks before our daughter. As of recent, I have been putting a bib on her if I don't want her outfit ruined. She tends to spit up quite frequently and has begun drooling. I am hoping the teething hasn't started, but just in case I bought some teething rings and put them in the fridge. If you look carefully in this photo you can tell I'm wearing a robe and still not completely dressed. I now know why so many moms look disheveled and have wrinkles - no sleep and no time to complete the simplest of tasks, like dressing and combing hair.

These photos were taken this morning around 7:00am. The weather is cool and grey today in Seattle. Little girl is trying out her fleece pants for the first time. It was really nice sitting outside with her while dad took out the trash and hauled the can around to the street for pick-up. Mark has been sick for the last five days, but yesterday he got restless and worked in the yard for an hour or more. Our iris and poppies died long ago, but the sunflowers are now in bloom.

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