Saturday, March 21, 2009

More pictures of our house as a school

Entry by Mark

Rebecca found this webpage through the Seattle Schools homepage. It talks about the history of the school system. It includes a picture of our home as one of the two "portables" that made up the "Ferry Street School" (the street we live on used to be "Ferry Street").

Here is a link to a previous post on our family blog that has a photo from a book.

Here is the link to the Seattle Schools page with the description. Our home is the one on the right in the photo at the bottom of page 1. The students were eventually switched to the "Bay View School", and if you read the text on the side of the page, it turns out our home also was leased out to the Presbyterian Church, which is interesting because Rebecca's father is a retired Presbyterian minister.

Here is the photo from the Seattle Schools webpage if can't get the link to work...

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