Sunday, May 03, 2009

Wedding in Mazama

Entry by Mark

Rebecca, J and I traveled over to Mazama, WA east of the Cascades to join in the celebration of our friends, Terry and Kristi getting married. The North Cascades Highway (Hwy 20) just opened last week, so we drove over on Friday, and stayed through until today (Sunday). J was a great traveler and the trip was very nice.

Our friend, Karine, arranged lodging at a couple of cabins in Mazama for a group of Terry and Kristi's Boealp friends. The cabins were at "Timberlane Meadows" and were very nice. Rebecca, J and I arrived late Friday afternoon in time to help out a little bit in the final preparation at the Community Center for the rehearsal dinner and to settle in a lit bit at the cabins. That evening was the rehearsal dinner where we caught up with friends we hadn't seen as much lately, and met Terry and Kristi's families, who had flown in from all over the U.S.

Saturday morning, we went for a hike with the new baby backpack that Rebecca found. J really liked the high view and the easy access to play with Rebecca's hair.

After a while, the rocking motion was too much and J decided to take a nap.

She didn't even wake up when we made the transfer from Rebecca to myself.

The wedding was outdoors on Saturday afternoon. We got dressed up in our nice outfits and had a great time. Here is the bride and groom, their cake (they are both avid mountaineers) and the ring bearer and the flower girl.

This morning we woke up slowly and headed back the way we came. Here are some pictures of the great mountain views. Also it shows the great weather we had for the weekend.

We also stopped at the North Cascades Natl Park Visitor Center. J checked out their giant banana slug (not life size)(but sometimes when you see them in the woods, they seem this big), and we let J start her rock climbing training.

All in all, we really enjoyed the whole trip and talked about how renting cabins around the state to try out the various areas would be fun.

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