Monday, December 27, 2010

Seattle aquarium

Rebecca's parent's gave our family a membership to the Seattle aquarium for Christmas. We went this morning with the girls and had a great time. I don't have any good pics of us and fish, but here is a nice one of a fish by itself. It has been many years since I went to seattle's aquarium, it has been greatly expanded and improved since my past visit. The cafe upstAirs was really tasty too (And yes, we did eat seafood there)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve and morning

Here are pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. We went to church with Rebecca's parents, the girls looked extremely cute in their matching outfits.

Our house looks like a toy factory exploded inside of it.


This is a test for sending a movie from my phone to our blog

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas! Here are some recent pictures.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

J pics and Thanksgiving trip

J loves to take pictures with our point and shoot camera. Some of her pictures turn out very artsy. Following J's pictures are photos from our recent trip back to Indiana to see my (Mark's) side of the family. (please note that the haziness on many of these photos is because J is still learning to keep finger prints off the camera lens)(professional photographers pay money to get filters for their lens for this effect, J is into the more hands-on, experimental approach to art)

These pictures were all taken at my Dad's home where we stayed while we were in Indiana. J poses her baby dolls and family members where she wants everything and then tells everyone to say "Cheese!"

We were in Indianapolis for a week for Thanksgiving. During the week we were able to visit with my Mom, Dad and sisters (and their families) almost every day. Although that sounds very hectic, it actually was pretty relaxing and the girls were able to get a good nap in most days.

The morning of the last day we went to Cracker Barrel to see some of my aunts, uncles and cousins. They get together there often on Saturdays. Everyone thought our girls were very cute and happy little kids.

Here is AHG with her Aunt Susie

Here is J with her Aunt Diane

Here we are with Aunt Susie and her son.

Here is a cute picture of J

Here is the girls with their Grandpa Good...

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Pumpkin Fest 2010

We hosted the annual pumpkin carving party last Saturday, it was great to see everyone again. This year most people seemed to go with smaller sized pumpkins compared to some of the monsters that have been brought in the past.

J and A enjoyed all the excitement. J joined in the fun and helped scoop out the insides.

Monday, November 01, 2010

J and A dressed up as cats

J and A dressed up as Tigger and a lion for Halloween. We took J up and down our block and she got more bouncy with each house as she understood the concept more and more (A stayed awake for the first few houses and then decided it was a good time to sleep)

We also hosted the annual pumpkin carving party this weekend. I will post pictures soon.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ballard boats in fog

I went for a bike ride early sunday morning and took this photo from the Ballard bridge

Picking out pumpkins

Rebecca, J, AHG and I were invited to our friends pumpkin patch to pick out our own pumpkins. Here are pictures (AHG seems to be waking up upstairs, so I need to be quick...)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

AHG continues to grow and smile alot

It is hard to remember to take photos of the girls as life flies by. Last weekend AHG was sitting in her bouncy seat watching her big sister play with their mother and was completely enthralled. She thinks the world of her big sister and could spend all day just watching her play. She is a strong little girl and combined with the wish to be able to play with her sibling, I think she will be an early walker. Keeping track of one mobile child has been an adventure, one they both are zooming around the house like popcorn I don't know how I will keep up.

We will be hosting the pumpkin carving party again this year. I have lost track of how many years in a row this will be. If you are reading this and haven't received your email invite, please send me a note.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Aunt Kathryn's visit and other photos

Rebecca's sister Kathryn came up from Tucson for a few day visit with her daughter. J and A really enjoyed spending time with them. Here are a bunch of photos of their visit, followed by some pictures I found on the camera.

Here are pictures that show how much J loves to paint...

A loves to hang out and play with the hanging toys on what we call her "rainbow mat" (I don't know why we call it that)

Friday, October 08, 2010

J in bunny hat

Here J is wearing her little sister's bunny blanket/rattle toy as a hat. I think she does a great job of "owning" the look. This could become the necool kid look at her daycare.

A at 4 months

Here is a photo of our second daughter at about 4 months while she hangs out in her car seat. She just started daycare last Friday and seems to enjoy hanging out with all the other babies and playing with a the new toys. Her primary caregiver will be Teresa, who also cared for J.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mike and Jaime's wedding

Rebecca and I went to Mike and Jaime's wedding yesterday. It was a wonderful outdoor event and they couldn't have asked for better weather. We had a great time. Here is a photo of us all dressed up.