Monday, February 05, 2007

last of GC and beginning of Zion

Greg and I traveled from the Grand Canyon to Zion National Park today, via scenic two lane (and extremely straight at times) highways.

In case yesterday's discussion of crampons was confusing, this shows what "instep crampons" are, they have a bent sheet metal plate that fits between the ball of your foot and the heel, and a strap that goes up and over your foot. They work great for the icy parts of the trail.

This is my last photo of the Grand Canyon. I forget which scenic overlook this is, we stopped at several. It gives a suggestion of how huge the canyon is, but is still just a picture. I don't feel like I have a good grasp of how big the canyon really is, I think to really appreciate it, you have to hike to the bottom and back. Maybe someday.

The road to Zion was through many different looking sections of the country. Away from the hole of the canyon, the land is flat and wide open. The road stretches out ahead of you in a very long straight line. After this shot, we climbed up and over a pass and down to Zion. Even this flat and this straight, it was much prettier than Kansas.

After 250 miles, we arrived at Zion. The rest of the pictures are from our evening arrival. We are staying at the town on the west side of the park, Springdale. This place is empty, we had trouble finding an open restaurant to eat at this evening at 6 p.m. I think the whole population of the town at this instant is about 20 people. It makes for little traffic, but when you are craving the "famous Bumbleberry pie", it is disheartening to discover they haven't been open since September and won't open until later this year (I think I am exagerating only slightly). Zion is beautiful, I am eager to start tomorrow's hiking.


The mountain looks perforated in this picture because the snow is the same color as the sky....

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