Sunday, December 30, 2007

Gingerslum 2007

The annual Gingerslum party was held a couple of Fridays ago (please forgive the delay, with the upcoming wedding, upcoming kid and making room for Rebecca to move in next year, it was a very busy holiday break this year). This year Terry, Kristi and Karine provided much appreciated preparation and creativity in helping to bake a majority of the buildings this year.

The theme this year was "Ginger Ballard". Representing the traditional Ballard was the Ballard Locks (including a boat passing through the locks, and a fish ladder), the Tractor Tavern (with a very efficient looking bouncer standing outside), Hattie's Hat, the train bridge that is near the locks, and a church. Representing the new Ballard, we had a towering building crane and an unfinished condo (which was on fire).

Thank you to all that attended, it is great to see all your friends during the holidays. And now for the pictures.... (everyone was very patient during the group photo while I figured out the remote shutter release)(you would think I would have it figured out by now, after several parties).

Here is the raw gingerbread pre-getting smothered in candy...

Here are some of the ginger construction workers...

Here are the rest of the gingerworkers, along with their pregnant ginger supervisors (Kirsten on the left side of the photo, and Rebecca on the right side)...

And the group photo...

p.s. Lance (the poodle) and Ruby (the black Lab) were very well behaved throughout the evening and only ate the food gifts from Jet and Finn (dogs love little kids, they are always very generous).

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