Thursday, June 26, 2008

Caught by the paparazi!!

Kind of like Suri Cruise, Josephine has to try various ways to avoid the paparazi. Sometimes she is unsuccessful, luckily her Mom bought her some stylin' shades to protect her sensitive eyes.

Rebecca's sister and brother-in-law, Kathryn and Chris, are visiting the Northwest from their home in Tucson. They are spreading their time between visiting Rebecca and the baby, heading out on a hike in a cooler climate (unfortunately a little bit TOO cooler, as they had to research a bit to find trails that weren't still buried in snow after our extended winter this year), and spending time at the family cabin. Here is a picture of Rebecca and Josephine with her Aunt Kathryn.

We have been visitors stopping by for short visits, here is Rebecca's friends, Elisabeth, Kjell and their daughter. Josephine enjoys all the visits and shows that by peacefully sleeping through the event.

Josephine made a surprise public outing to game night last Tuesday. Here she says hello to the group.

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