Monday, June 30, 2008

Josie and night time

Josephine continues to get cuter, which I didn't think was possible. Here she is lounging in her stroller/portable bassinet (Rebecca found a great buy on a Mountain Buggy stroller via Craigslist, and then followed it up by finding a great deal on the bassinet accessory that attaches to the stroller frame. We use it alot when she is sleeping downstairs because it keeps her away from Lance and Ruby).

I am awake at odd hours lately. I had trouble getting back to sleep again last night, so I decided to try learning some new functions on my little camera. The first photo is a picture of the most recent additions to the bike stable, the second photo is on the poppies in the backyard

Rick and Michela stopped by to visit our daughter, and to drop off food for Rebecca and I. Michela claimed she didn't know how to hold the baby, but she looked like a pro once she had her in her arms.

The weather has been spectacular (if you like heat), so Rebecca and the baby hung out in the Adirondack chairs while papa weeded the garden. All this great weather has made the garden hit hyperdrive. All the green beans, squash, eggplant, tomato plants, etc. will hopefully be cranking out the produce soon.

Josephine is very selective where she likes to fall asleep. This seems to be one of her favorite spots to nap.

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