Sunday, March 01, 2009

Lots of pictures, few words

Entry by Mark

Sorry, here are a bunch of pictures, without much descriptions. Pictures are worth 1000 words, right?

J held her first Valentines Day party and invited all her baby friends over. Here is a snapshot from around the middle of the party, some people had left already, some had yet to arrive. It was a resounding success.

Here is our friend with her son...

Here is another of J's guests lying down....

A week after J's party, we saw many of the same families at our regular monthly meeting of our PEPS group. The kids are growing like weeds. It has been fun to go through this experience with the other families, two of the couples are expecting their second child.

We bought a Burley bike trailer in order for us to be able to start biking again. We have taken a few trips around the neighborhood, running errands and to our friends' housewarming party. These next few shots are from a couple different trips, all shown together. J seems to enjoy the ride, and generally falls asleep. We put her in the trailer with a couple stuffed friends and other toys to play with. When we are actually riding, there is a plastic front that covers the whole front of the trailer to block the wind and any sprinkles of rain.

We have started thinking about what a front porch should look like if we were to add it to our home. We like the shingle style on the top of the first house and the porch and roof top deck on the second house.

Rebecca and her mom took J to the Seattle Garden show. Here are some pictures from the show....

And, Rebecca and I celebrated our first anniversary by going to Ray's boathouse and bringing J. J was the perfect child and sat quietly and played with her toys at the table.

I went to Phoenix for work with my co-worker, Paul. I took the opportunity to try out the camera in my new phone, all of the following photos were taken with my phone. I was impressed with the quality out of such a small lens. We had great food at Roy's (it was "Hawaiian Fusion", which means good fish I guess), and we found time to take a short hike in a local park.

Also, I found a scorpion in my sink the first night when getting ready to sleep. After a quick phone call to Rebecca (she lived in Phoenix during highschool), I smooshed it and went (uneasily) to sleep. Now that I see the photo again, it looks like a small scorpion, but at the time it seemed like it was as big as the sink.

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