Sunday, March 08, 2009

Hawaii pictures

Entry by Mark
Rebecca and I have been enjoying our vacation. We have been missing J, but have been getting e-mail update and sounds like she is having a wonderful time with Rebecca's parents.

We spent Friday night, Saturday and Sunday morning at Waikiki on Oahu. The weather was a mix of light rain and sun, and we have been enjoying the really warm weather. Yesterday morning we took the bus to the USS Arizona memorial at Pearl Harbor. There is two parts to a normal visit there. First you visit the museum and theater, then they take small groups to the memorial that has been built above the USS Arizona, which still sits where it sank in the shallow water. I really enjoyed the visit, it was great to be able to see in real life a place that I have learned about in so many history books.

We didn't take many pictures, but here are photos of Rebecca and myself in the visitor center.

The rest of Saturday we walked around Waikiki and saw the beach, shops and people walking around. In the evening, we had a extremely nice dinner at Dukes which is right on the beach.

This morning, we woke up to nice weather. This is a photo of the early morning from our balcony at the Waikiki Sand Villa.

This afternoon we flew from Honolulu to Kauai on a small jet. I paid much closer attention to the instructions about what to do in case of a water landing, as that is all that is possible if you don't make it to Kauai. As soon as you land, you realize that Kauai has an even more laid back feeling to it than Oahu. All you see if lush greenery everywhere. Before we went to the hotel, we drove out to see Wailua Falls which are near the airport. On the drive up to the falls, it was as if the vegetation was growing by the minute trying to recapture the roadway.

Also this afternoon, we went to see the Spouting horn. It is a natural blowhole that shoots water up into the air about 20 feet. There is another blowhole nearby that makes a spooky groaning sound each time also. The legends say that a giant female lizard called a mo'o protected the whole coastline and would capture and eat all that came near. One day a great warrior came and when the lizard came out, he speared it. The sound is the lizard still moaning in pain.

As you can tell from the photos, we are having wonderful weather. Everyone that we talk to says we have arrived at the perfect time, before we arrived they had been going through a week and a half of wind and rain.

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