Tuesday, December 29, 2020

My old Datsun 280Z

I found old slides of my original Seattle car while converting my old slides to digital. I bought this car while I was co-oping at Hughes Aircraft in Los Angeles. When I bought it, I didn't know how to drive a stick shift yet, so my friend Terry had to drive the car home for me. I bought it from a Guatemalan vacuum machine repair man that lived in Inglewood. It has some issues because it was an older car, but it was a lot of fun and is one of my favorites of the cars I have owned. Unfortunately, as can be seen in the photos, it was totaled in an accident in the Arboretum after I lived in Seattle a few years. I miss that car. The truck pulling another car on a trailer in one of the photos is what rear-ended me. It is obvious why he wasn't able to stop as quickly as I did.

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