Friday, July 28, 2006

Visit to the Seattle Street of Dreams (or.. My Future Home)

I went to the Seattle Street of Dreams on Friday.

It was a humbling experience. My own house projects have the quality of a falling down shack compared to the fantasy houses that were there. Six houses, ranging in price from 3 to 5 million. Seattle has high house prices, but these were off the chart.

Before I show the expensive houses, here is a picture of how my clawfoot tub turned out. I painted it a long time ago, but this picture shows how the paint turned out to look like water, and shows it installed with everything hooked up

This is the first house Kay and I went into.

All the houses were on 5 to 7 acres of land, so there was a sense of privacy and being out in the country. All the houses were next to each other, so you could walk from one to another, they were all neighbors to each other. This is the second home. They all were unique, having its own atmosphere around it. Most of them seemed to have a “masculine” feel about them. Lots of big leather chairs, and brownish hues to the color choices. Not many floral patterns on the couchs, etc. In other words, I was ready to move into any of them without any hestitation.

I think this is the third house, they all started to blend together.

I liked this house the best. It was a little understated (at least compared to the others) and had natural pine trim throughout the house, and lots of nice cabinetry. I don’t have any pictures of the trim work, so I have to just describe it as “white pine, no stain, with a polyurethane coating”.

Here is another house. This is the back of the house. You follow this winding driveway up past the grape arbor on the right (and fruit trees on the left, out of the frame of the photo), and end up at…

… a court yard, where the main theme was this cool tower.

This tower had a neat spiral staircase that led upwards to an area where you could look out for a 360 degree view of the area. This house was on the high point of the neighborhood and had a great view.

There was also a spiral staircase leading down to a recreational area with a nice bar area, a workout room and a home theatre. If I lived in one of these homes, I would never leave. It was like a theme park. Maybe they need a pool boy. Or just a house sitter.

All the features of the houses started to blend together after a while, but I think this very cool shower was in the house with the tower. As you can see with Kay standing in the shower area, this was not a small shower area. It was real granite rocks, the square areas in the top are shower heads. There were 12 different knobs to turn to turn on individual shower heads, there were 12 shower heads. The darker grey area to the upper right of Kay’s head is a waterfall. I was very impressed, but am not planning to make this type of shower for my next house.

Here is another of the house exteriors.

And I think that is the last of them.

This was the main upstairs hallway for one of the houses. As you can see, the interiors were as large as you would expect from the outside.

And here is a closer view of the stained glass on the ceiling.

This was a neat “swirl effect” that was in one of the pools in one of the backyards of one of the houses. (I think 2 of the six houses had swimming pools in the back)

Next to the pool was a hot tub with tile work I really liked. Glad I am done with my tile work, if I really tried to do something like this, it would take forever. It would make a nice design for the backsplash in a kitchen….

The following picture shows a nice idea of having a stencil painted on a wall with gloss paint over flat paint. If you look glossy, you can see how the flash lights up the pattern in the lower part of the photo.

I liked the details of this wainscoting. Maybe someday I will put it in my living room.

One of the houses had a chess board in the backyard with these HUGE pieces. You would get quite the workout during a game, the king and queen pieces weighed about 40 lbs each.

Oops, I guess there was one more house

. As you can see by the sky, it was a great Seattle Summer day. A great day to wander through houses I will never be able to afford.

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