Sunday, June 22, 2008


This will be a mix of photos. Josephine Lily was born on the Summer Solstice and mom and baby are recovering nicely from the birth. Everyone will be coming home Monday morning.

Here are pictures of the proud Mom, the proud papa, and the proud grandparents (Rebecca's Mom and Dad, mine parents are in Indiana).

The picture with the weird things on Josephine's ears is the newborn hearing test (she passed and they gave her a certificate, her first diploma!).


suntea said...

Congratulations! It's nice you get to have time off.

Wright, Jenni, Olive, Day

Dave & Pat Culler said...

WELCOME JOSEPHINE!! Great news, we wish you the best! Can't wait to see more pics. Get some rest and take care settling in this next few weeks. Patricia Culler

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the both of you. And Welcome Josephine! I'm sure you will become a great father.
Sue Rahman